Feel free to contact me by phone (not email or SMS) to discuss your pet’s situation and to answer any questions you have. Please keep in mind that prices vary and that’s why they are not listed here. Testimonials, memorials and reviews can be sent to the email address or to Google.
My hours and days vary. Please call or email for availability.
If you need further assistance please contact the following:
Dr. Ericka Mendez with Lap of Love Home Euthanasia, who serves Palm Coast and areas of Volusia County. 386-382-1629 or lapoflove.com.
For cats and dogs under 20 pounds you can also call Dr. Diane Perry at 386-846-8619.
For service in west Volusia County, please contact Heavenly Paws or Lap of Love.
Gentle Pet Passings
Dr. Gayle Burrell
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Phone: 386-279-8525 for calls only (not SMS)
E-mail: gentlepetpassings@gmail.com (for testimonials, memorials and reviews)