Monday thru Friday 9AM-4PM.
Monday thru Friday 9AM-4PM. 

Testimonials, Page 4

Subject: Thank you Dr. Burrell 
 Our little 14 year old chihuahua, Charlotte, had been growing sicker and sicker as days passed.  I was dreading a trip to the vet to put her down.  Knowing how much she hated the vet, and how awful it would be to have to leave there without her, collar and leash in hand.  I also couldn't even think of how unsafe the short drive home would be knowing I would probably be sobbing uncontrollably.  I found Dr. Burrell and Gentle Pet Passings on a Google search and knew this was the best solution for both my husband and I, as well as Charlotte.  Dr. Burrell was very accommodating with our schedules and made sure we knew even up until the end that we could change our minds at any minute if we needed too (before the final injection of course).  That helped us knowing we didn't feel forced or like we couldn't turn back.  But we knew it was best for Charlotte to be at peace, and we were just thankful that her final moments could be at home, surrounded by her family (Mommy, Daddy and her two canine sisters Chelsea and Chloe).  We gave her a nice final meal, and laid on the floor with her where she gave us tons of goodbye kisses.  Then when Dr. Burrell arrived she made us feel calm and comfortable, even though I was crying and shaking the whole time.  It was a very quick and painless process for all of us and she even gave us some alone time afterwards to say goodbye before she left.  Then she even let us carry Charlotte's body to her car, which meant a lot to us.  A few days later we even received a sympathy card from her in the mail and that was very touching.  In the future when pets are gravely ill, as sad as it inevitably is, we will definitely contact Dr. Burrell.  It was the best possible ending to the best possible life we gave our little girl and while we are absolutely devastated, we also couldn't be happier with Dr. Burrell and her services.  

Subject: The Passing Of My Best Friend  
On February 2, 2012 my little Norwich Terrier, Louie, aka Louis Armstrong quietly in our home(not on a stainless steel table in the place he dreaded most)and in my arms left this world. He wasn't frightened, he came to Dr. Burrell with his usual puppy charm just a bit slower. There was no fear or panic, I held him close in his favorite cuddle spot and we said good bye. Thank You Dr. Burrell  

Subject: Atticus 
Dr. Burrell, Thank you so much for coming over and giving dear Atticus a gentle passing. It was so peaceful for him to be at home. It feels empty here today for me and the other cats. They are very aware that Atticus is gone. I looked at your beautiful Andy and I'm so sorry for your loss. How sweet it must have been to watch him suckling his nipple. The pic with his brother is adorable. I'm glad Amos is doing okay with hyperthroid treatment. I was diagnosed with it myself last month, perhaps caused from the stress and worry over Atticus. At another time I will send pics and comments about Atticus. Thanks again for your services. It is a very comforting option for our furry loved ones. Best Wishes, Elizabeth Hodge 

Dr. Burrell, Thank you for doing what you do...I'm sure it is not an easy job but, it is so important and so appreciated.  We are happy that we found you because the end of a beloved pet's life should be dignified, calm and comfortable, which you make possible by coming to the pet's family home. With sincere gratitude, Ginny and Rich 


Subject: Our Appreciation 
Dear Dr. Burrell, On Monday April the 18th, my sweet kitty Nala took a turn for the worse. As she laid on my chest, her eyes revealed it was her time. As heart wrenching as it was, I felt reassurance in knowing you were there to answer questions and make our painful decision as easy as possible. I didn't want to give Nala up, but I knew in my heart I had made the right decision—one that was loving and kind. In the past, I experienced situations in the loss of a pet that I didn't ever want to go through again. Although I shed more tears losing Nala than any other pet, I was at peace with the way she parted. I found comfort cradling Nala in my arms as I said that dreaded good-bye. I'm sure my precious baby preferred passing in the serenity of our home rather than in a place that's antiseptic and often frightening. You were patient and kind allowing me to take as much time as I needed. Sadly, my daughter Alisha experienced
the same situation on Sunday September 18th with her sweet kitty Alfalfa. Like with me, you were there for her. You showed kindness and compassion as she went through the same painful process I went through. Thanks for your kind and caring service. I wish our beloved babies could be with us for a lifetime. But since they can't, I really appreciate someone like you who truly gives our furry babies a gentle passing. You do it with love and with understanding. We highly recommend anyone faced with an agonizing decision like ours to contact Dr. Burrell. She will be there to support and guide you. On behalf of our cherished babies, Nala and Alfalfa, you have our sincere thanks and appreciation. With sincerity and gratitude, Debra Darner & Family  

Dear Dr. Burrell, As a family we can't possibly begin to thank you for helping us during such a painful time. You made the experience of losing our little girl bearable and almost beautiful. Thank you for the peace you gave us all and especially for making the experience so comfortable and dignified. We are so very thankful that we didn't have to take her somewhere or surrender her to someone and have her last few hours filled with confusion and fear. You will always have a place in our hearts! With Sincere Appreciation, Lesley and Brandon Gearity.  

Subject: Dusty  
When my wife and I saw your ad, we were relieved. I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Burrell’s service. It has been over a month since our Dusty has passed (Dr. Burrell came to the house on Easter) and my keyboard is soaking wet with tears trying to get this out. If you would have asked me 3 months ago if Dusty was going to be here today, I would have laughed while explaining how healthy we kept him. We learned a hard lesson about life when we were told Dusty had Hemangeosarcoma and would most likely only survive another month. I was told that 70% facing this would have to make a decision, 30% would pass while sleeping. I felt lost and unsure how I would be able to handle making that decision until I saw Dr. Burrell’s advertisement. My wife and I knew we would want Dusty to pass at home with his family around him, thanks to Gentle Pet Passing’s, it was able to happen that way. I am forever grateful for your service Dr. Burrell and we will have you in our hearts with Dusty forever  

Subject: Sylvester 
Animals love unconditionally so when they pass on there is such a huge ache we cannot get away from.they are gifts... and there comes that time ... that we give the giftback to God. Thanks for allowingSylvester dignity in his own home,in his own bed ... to pass onto a place where goodbyes are never said. Dr. Burrell, thank you so much for helping my big love (Scooter) pass on to the other
side.  It's a gift we can give them so they don't have to suffer!  We (parents) and the animals are so lucky you decided to follow your heart and pursue a second career in veterinary medicine.  This service is so wonderful.  Scooter, grandma, and myself were treated with gentle compassion at such a difficult time.  Thanks again!  Scooter's mom and grandma. (Melista and Barbara) 

Subject: Zoey's Passing 
Our beloved Zoey, a 13 y.o. Lab/Beagle mix, was diagnosed with (likely) Metastasized Cancer in April.  She also had a history of Arthritis, and when she was having even more trouble walking, we called our vet to discuss options and alternatives to her medication regimen.  The vet did not c/b, but Dr Burrell did.  After discussing Zoey's status, it was felt that nothing else would help, and we decided to end the pain and suffering.  Dr Burrell came to the home, and as stated in numerous testimonials, she helped my husband and I, help Zoey.  It was an incredibly difficult day, made easier by her gentle, caring approach.  Thank you Dr Burrell.  God knows what we would have done without you!!!  

Subject: The Hamilton Family's Roxeanne 
Wow, where do I began.......... We had to make one of the hardest decisions of our lives last Thursday, March 3, 2011.  Dr. Burrell, my husband and I made an appointment to put down our German Shepherd of 13 years (Roxy), around 6:30 PM that evening. During the course of the day Roxy got extermely worse and we couldn't wait any longer.  I called Dr. Burrell around 3:00PM or so and said she had to come to our home ASAP as her condition was deterioting rapidly. Once Dr. Burrell arrived the process was very smooth and quite, our Roxy was finally at peace and on here way to the "Rainbow Bridge" (see poem below). Dr. Burrell is an absolute true professional in every way; kind, gentle, caring. If you happened upon this website and are reading this testimonal and are considering having your beloved pet put to sleep now or sometime in the future, I encourage you to seek out Dr. Burrell's services. WE LOVE YOU RO RO...........AND MISS YOU TERRIBLY! Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here on earth, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so that they can run and play together, there is plenty of food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals that had been ill or old are restored to health and vigor and those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again….just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, those who had to be left behind.  They all run and play together; but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance, their bright eyes are intent and their eager body quivers. Suddenly they began to run from the group, flying over the green grass, their legs carrying them faster and faster, you have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress their beloved head and you look once more into their trusting eyes, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....  

Subject: Your services 
Dear Dr. Burrell... I recently saw your car in the Chelsea Place Publix parking lot, and made a note of your website.  I was intrigued by the website’s name. Although I am not currently in need of your services, be assured I will keep your contact information handy.  I am proud mom to 6 rescue dogs, and I know the day is coming when I’ll have to help one or more to the Rainbow Bridge.  Your services are a wonderful alternative to that final trip to the vet.  I am so glad to know that this option is available to those in need, and I admire your compassion towards humans and pets.  Bless you for providing this dignified and loving service! Sincerely,  Norma Pruss New Port Richey, Fl  

Subject: Our Blue 
Dr. Burrell As our 90 lb. twelve-year-old Blue, a Weimaraner, was aging before our eyes, our major concern was to keep him in his home when his final moments came. We did not want him or us to experience the confusion, upheaval, and commotion of taking him out of his home to a vet's office. When we found Dr. Burrell's advertisement, we were comforted by the fact that Dr. Burrell would come to our home when requested. The day it was time for Blue, we called Dr. Burrell.  She personally answered her phone and was sensitive, helpful and able to come that day. Upon her arrival, we found her warm and caring.  All our time and concentration was on Blue and making his passing as effortless and peaceful as possible. We chose to have Blue created and Dr. Burrell took care of the entire process.  She also personally returned with Blue's remains. Whether you have a large or a small animal, we are highly recommending Dr. Burrell to assist you at this difficult moment. On behalf of our beloved Blue, we sincerely thank Dr. Burrell. Blue's Family:  Kathy Behrmann, Renee Krupp and Charliee, the Cat February 8, 2011  

Subject: Pass of a loved pet 
I would like to thank Dr Burrell for having the service.I have alway hated taking my belove pet to the office for the passing of they life. This is a much more loving way to have you pet go. Thanks again Dr Burrell  

Subject: Our experience with Dr. Burrell  
We asked Dr. Burrell to come to our house so that our dog wouldn't have to endure a final trip to the vet's office for euthanasia.  Dr. Burrell was so calm, quiet, and gentle that Codie was completely relaxed for the process.  No lab coat or metal table to cause fear or concern.  Dr. Burrell made a very difficult time as comfortable as possible for both us and our pet.  I highly recommend that you call her when that time comes. Sincerely,  Dawn M.  

Subject: Bridgette 
My husband and I came across Dr. Gayle Burrell's ad for “Gentle Pet Passing’s” in the East Lake Area Neighborhood News magazine. We had been putting off laying down our Boxer Bridgette until we saw this ad. We both knew this is what we were looking towards when having to make such a hard and difficult decision. Dr. Burrell came to our home and with loving-care helped us put our beloved Bridgette to rest while in the comforts of her home and while resting in her favorite mother-daughter chair. We are very grateful and thankful for her services. We highly recommend this home method for your loved ones. The Novak family of Palm HarborJan 17th 2011  

Gentle Pet Passings
Ormond Beach, Florida

Phone: +1 386 2798525+1 386 2798525


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